Rolla Public Schools utilizes a combination type report card for grades K-3. Students transition to a traditional report card for grades 4-12.
What is a combination type report card?
A combination type report card provides a more comprehensive view of your child's learning by combining traditional grades with detailed information about their progress in meeting specific learning goals. The more detailed information helps create a clear picture of your child as a learner. Knowing your child's strengths and areas that allow for growth will better help you work together with the teacher to support their learning.
Why combine both?
A combined type report card, especially at the elementary level, helps to provide a well-rounded picture of how your child is progressing.
A letter grade gives you a quick overview of your child's academic progress compared to their peers. While the standards-based section shows you what your child knows and can do specifically, which helps you understand their strengths and areas for growth.
We believe the combination type approach helps elementary teachers explain your child's learning in more detail than just a letter grade. As a parent, it gives you a more comprehensive understanding of what your child is learning and how they're progressing.
Are all the standards listed on the report card?
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has identified priority and supporting learning standards for each grade. While teachers collect evidence on all these standards, reporting every standard would be overwhelming to parents and teachers. For example, in second grade, there are over 50 standards in ELA alone. For report card purposes, we have listed those priority standards that are critical for students to demonstrate mastery.
Why are some standards marked Not Applicable (N/A)?
Not all standards are assessed every quarter. When you see an N/A on the report card, it simply indicates that the corresponding standard was not assessed that quarter. It may also mean that your child hasn’t had enough opportunity to demonstrate mastery of the standard. This could be due to other factors, which should be discussed with the classroom teacher.
How do I use the report card?
As a parent, pay close attention to the description of the standards. This will help you understand what your child is expected to learn. As you review the report card, look for any areas where your child consistently meets expectations or where they consistently need help.
Beyond letter grades and standards, the report card includes valuable information, such as attendance and work habits, that can impact your child’s overall success in school.
Talk to your child about their report card. Ask them about their favorite subjects, what they found challenging, and what they're working on. Where appropriate, help your child practice skills at home and assist them with setting realistic goals for the future.
What if I have questions or concerns?
If you have any questions or concerns, schedule a meeting with your child's teacher. They can provide more specific information about your child's progress. If you have any further questions or concerns, contact the school counselor or principal.
How do I access my student’s grades with the Infinite Campus app?
The Infinite Campus mobile app is a convenient way to stay updated on your student’s academic progress anytime, anywhere. If you have questions about your Infinite Campus account, you can contact your student's school office.
To access your student's grades using the Infinite Campus app: