The Rolla 31 School District Continuous School Improvement Plan represents a culmination of data and practice as evidenced throughout the district. This guide is meant as a component of the Missouri School Improvement Program review process, and the district chose to start anew for the 2023-2024 school year as part of this process. However, this plan is much more. It is a living document that defines our short and long-term goals and further guides and supports our daily activities. The purpose of our CSIP plan is to present our priority processes in an easily understandable format so that all stakeholders can know and understand what steps are being taken to improve the school district and thus enhance the educational experience for all students.
The Rolla 31 School District Continuous School Improvement Plan contains four key concepts or gears. Each gear represents an important aspect of our school district planning process, and all are surrounding our most important focus: students. The use of gears is important conceptually, as it represents that each of these areas are dependent on one another for continuous movement, or growth, to occur.
The district utilizes a steering committee composed of external and internal stakeholders to oversee the development and implementation of the CSIP. The content and implementation come from numerous committees and processes throughout the district. As part of the ongoing nature of the CSIP process, committees are required to provide a strength and opportunities type (SWOT) assessment on a regular basis. This analysis is presented to the Board of Education on a scheduled basis, with quarterly summary discussions. Further, this analysis is utilized to adapt the CSIP strategies and action steps, as one should expect from a continuous improvement process.
In the fall of 2022, the district utilized the Education Governance Leadership Association (EGL) to conduct focus group discussions and to gather survey input from district stakeholders. Identified areas of improvement/concern from these feedback processes are included in the CSIP plan.
The initial form of this CSIP plan will be implemented during the 2023-2024 school year. Many of the initial action steps revolve around this implementation, including the expansion of opportunities for input and the adaptation of other plans to better reflect current practice.
This plan is a living document which will be reviewed and revised frequently. Please revisit this page to learn about CSIP changes.