Gifted Education (QUEST)


QUEST is the Quality Use of Exceptional Students’ Time. It is a gifted education class that is offered for qualifying students in the third through seventh grade pullout program in the Rolla Public Schools. 


Defining Gifted

According to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for the State of Missouri, gifted students are identified as, “those students who exhibit precocious development of mental capacity and learning potential as determined by competent professional evaluation to the extent that continued educational growth and stimulation could be best served by an academic environment beyond that offered through a standard grade-level curriculum.” (Section 162.675.RSMO)

Third through seventh grade students who have been identified for the gifted program need enrichment or differentiated instruction more suited to their intellectual ability, reasoning ability, and creative thinking.



The Rolla Public School District recognizes the need for individual students to realize their maximum academic potential. The district also recognizes that academically gifted students need a safe and nurturing environment which encourages creativity, risk-taking, and flexible thinking. A learning environment that allows the gifted student to interact with their intellectual peers can best meet the needs of the students.



The Rolla Public School District’s mission is to provide in partnership with the community, the best educational opportunities possible for our students through commitment to excellence in personnel, facilities, curriculum and instruction. For students who come to school with advanced knowledge and unusual learning capacity, that potential can be compromised without offering a curriculum that is differentiated and matched to students’ learning characteristics. Those characteristics include the capacity to handle content at an advanced level and pace, the ability to explore areas in significant depth, the tendency to ask and grapple with difficult questions, and the desire to use leadership abilities to make a difference in the world. The Rolla School District promotes a multi-disciplinary environment that challenges gifted and talented students to attain their maximum potential.

Identification Process

Students are formally identified for gifted services in grades three through seven.  The guidance office is responsible for the testing and placement of students into the gifted program. The identification procedure begins in second grade with all students participating in a universal screening process.

Universal Screening 

All students are screened in 2nd grade utilizing the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT).  Students who score in the 90th percentile and above will be further evaluated for the gifted program. Any student new to the district, who weren't screened in 2nd grade, will be screened at the beginning of their 4th grade year. 


In compliance with guidelines from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, students must meet eligibility criteria in three of the following four areas in order to qualify for gifted services. At Rolla Public Schools, the General Mental Ability (IQ) is a required area.

  1. Academic Achievement: Score at or above the 90th percentile on NWEA or MAP assessment in both reading and math. 

  2. Reasoning/Creativity: Students must score a quotient of 125 (95th percentile) or better on the Gifted Evaluation Scale (GES). 

  3. Documented Evidence: Teacher Input Form; Portfolios of student work; Formal observations by people knowledgeable of the characteristics of gifted students.

  4. WISC-V:  Full Scale IQ equal to or greater than 124 (95th percentile) or General Ability Index (GAI) equal to or greater than 124.

For more information on the evaluation process and timelines, please see the Gifted Education Handbook.

Parent Resources

Websites of Interest

Articles for Parents

Books to Consider

Contact Information 

Joe Schisler

Grade 3-4 Gifted Education Teacher

[email protected]

Gala Hale

Grade 5-7 Gifted Education Teacher

[email protected]

Dr. Mandy Welch

RPS Assistant Superintendent

[email protected]

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